Tuesday, July 27, 2010

To fulfil my Plans...

An amount of 4 thousand Ringgit Malaysia (of mine) has been "wholly" spent up on the 17th of July! That's a huge amount to me...

According to my plans, the very first thing I wanted to get (well, at that time) was a DSLR camera. But, after having a long long consideration, this item has been moved to the last item to get.

Reason? Well, erm... you know... erm... alright!

The second item was Ipod Touch! In fact, my first Ipod Touch were to be purchased few months ago but knowing that the 4th generation one has more features, so I think it's worth the wait. So, once the product get new version, it's the time I own one!... or maybe not...

Since the first two steps of my plans was stuck, I had my Super Computer bought! Costing me RM 4,000...

It's my second PC or proudly said, FIRST customised PC! I was so excited to get this. Like I spent RM 4,000 to get this excitement...

The specs are shown below...

Saturday, July 24, 2010



认识她的那天,正是7年前的今天…… 已经7年了,岁月无声地把我推到这么远的未来。

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Tuesday, July 06, 2010


自从上次的恍然大悟过后,我就很少恍然大悟了。可是,上个星期五我去 Maybank 进 Cheque 的时候,我又再恍然大悟⋯⋯

Friday, July 02, 2010

[Continued] Being a Camera Assistant

The second time I went to shoot as a camera assistant was on the 16th of this month. This is a "company-approved" job though I was free-of-charged.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Being a Camera Assistant

Ever since I moved to KL, or more precisely Petaling Jaya, my second time of being a camera assistant was with Landmark's Samsung TVC Shoot. However, the job is FOC.
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